Welcome to the Elegant Pet Shop!

We offer unique pet gifts and accessories for the discriminating pet owner. When the mega pet stores fail to please, we are here for your specific elegant pet product needs.

From unusual pet collars, or jeweled necklaces made of 6mm pearls, to designer dog diners with elevated dog bowl platforms to exquisite dog and cat carriers, Elegant Pet Shop is your pet outfitter.

If you would like information on a pet item that is not in our inventory at this time, please contact us and we will locate the item for you.

Think of us as a “Pet Concierge” service where nothing is out of your reach. Anything that can be had for your beloved dog or cat companion can be located here or through us.

We continually seek out the most elite in pet products and accessories. Our specialty is the hard-to-find pet product and serving a clientele that is committed to giving their pet the best quality of life possible with the best products available for them.

If you would like to be kept up to date on our latest inventory additions for your pet, please subscribe to our announcement list below and you will be the first to know of our latest finds!

Again, if you don’t see it here, please email us and we will work hard to locate an item for you!